• Thu. May 16th, 2024

How To Data Recovery From A Smartphone If You Break The Screen

Smartphone screens have become increasingly bright and large, but at the Data Recovery same time they are very delicate. Just one drop and the risk of the screen shattering is very high. This is not a small problem, because the mobile phone can become unusable.

The quickest and most logical solution would be to repair the broken screen immediately. That’s true, but it’s not always possible. For several reasons. The Data Recovery mobile phone was knocked over on the ground and suffered irreversible damage, making it unnecessary to replace the screen. There is also the economic aspect to take into account. 

Sometimes the repair cost can exceed the value of the cell phone itself. So how to Data Recovery, such as photos, videos, messages and contacts, from an Android smartphone whose front panel has been destroyed?

There are several methods, but they all converge on one point: backup. It is advisable to back up your Wikipedia data frequently, preferably automatically. Whether in the cloud or on an external medium, the important thing is to back everything up.

Let’s start with the SD card. Of course, not all devices that work with the green dot have a microSD slot. But those who are lucky enough to fit the small storage card should use it. 

Most of the files can be saved on the SD card, and Android makes it easy to transfer or store the data to the external storage drive. So, if your smartphone screen breaks, you can simply insert the micro SD card into another device to recover your files. Easy, isn’t it?